Margaret Chisholm
Property Management
Margaret Chisholm has more than 40 years experience in residential and commercial rentals and sales.
As a licensed real estate agent she is a long standing member of the Real Estate Institute of Victoria and has owned and run her own real estate office for 31 years.
She is a much valued head of the Property Investment Management team and makes sure she is always up to date with the Residential Tenancies Act.
She is very savvy with the Rest/Rockend property management software which means she has the latest technology information at her fingertips.
Margaret is a walking encyclopaedia in real estate and is always on hand to give advice and talk about her experiences over the years. She is highly respected and admired and everyone who comes across her is touched by her amazing energy, warmth and knowledge.
She is highly professional in her field and yet somehow still manages to find time to knit, sew and cook, producing yet more superb results. This highlights her skills at and away from work and we are so privileged to have her as a work colleague and friend.