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The Block 2023: Every room reveal so far

By Mo Zeitouneh

The Block is back for 2023 with new rules and a new judge, with five teams facing the challenge of battling budgets, deadlines and natural disasters in their bid to win big on auction day.

This year the ‘Blockheads’ have been tasked with overhauling five post-war houses on Charming Street, in the bayside suburb of Hampton East.

Here’s a look at all the room reveals on this year’s season.

Week 9: Kids’ bedrooms

Kids’ bedrooms week saw The Blockheads tasked with the challenge of creating not one but two spaces, with Steph and Gian earning a perfect score for their efforts.

Kyle and Leslie245$16,743
Leah and Ash282$21,912
Kristy and Brett27.53$25,580
Steph and Gian301$25,580
Eliza and Liberty26.54$13,217

That makes them serious contenders come auction day, with the Sydney newlyweds winning $100,000 in prize money to put towards their build in the past two weeks.

Steph and Gian in one of their winning kids’ bedrooms. Picture: Channel 9

Read the episode recap from kids’ bedroom week.

Here’s a look at the room reveals and what the judges had to say:

House 1: Kyle and Leslie’s kids’ bedrooms reveal

A basketball themed bedroom was praised for it being easy to adapt, however Marty said it was “off piece” from the other tonal and arched rooms in the home.

Kyle and Leslie placed last again for their kids’ bedroom reveals. Picture: Channel 9

The judges voiced concerned the room won’t appeal to a wider market. Channel 9

Shaynna thought it was okay to have a point of difference, while Darren said it was a beautifully spatially planned room with great storage.

The second room’s arches were more in line with the rest of the home, and it ticked all the boxes, Marty said.

The large sized bedrooms made the master bedroom feel small. Picture: Channel 9

“This is so marketable,” he said.

However, Shaynna was concerned with the second floor’s layout where the master bedroom was cramped in comparison to both kids’ bedrooms.

House 2: Leah and Ash’s kids’ bedrooms reveal

Both rooms were described as having a great sense of adventure and fun, whilst still feeling as though they belonged in a high end and high priced home.

The climbing wall was a huge hit with Marty and his children, who were guest judges this week. Picture: Channel 9

The pair’s first bedroom reveal featured a bright coloured climbing wall, which Shaynna said gave a sense of joy, fun and energy.

 “It’s really, really chic and really stylish,” Darren said.

 “This is one of those rooms that a lot of kids will want and how well will this market?” Marty said.

The choice of bed was questioned, but the judges said the room was fun. Picture: Channel 9

A disco ball and stage in the second room had Shaynna summing up both the rooms as “high energy.”

“I love their sense of adventure and I love their sense of fun,” she said.

House 3: Kristy and Brett’s kids’ bedrooms reveal

Spades of versatility and very marketable was how Marty summed up the first room, which featured a section of wallpaper that kids could colour in.

“It’s got this sophisticated playfulness to it, it’s not overdone” he said.

The judges loved the wallpaper and choice of bed. Picture: Channel 9

Room two’s bold floral wallpaper had Darren quiet until he exclaimed: “It’s like I just got punched in the face.”

Marty said: “To me it feels very soft, quite feminine and having so much beautiful natural light coming through in these tree top views, for me that then softens the perceived ‘hecticness’ sic of the wallpaper.”

The second kids’ bedroom showed off a completely different style. Picture: Channel 9

Later Darren admitted he liked the wallpaper: “I think it’s great. I just had to absorb the blow and think okay, how do actually feel about this.”

House 4: Steph and Gian’s winning kids’ bedrooms reveal

A shimmering diamond was how Darren described the first bedroom, saying it was the most sophisticated room they had seen thus far.

“It’s absolutely chic as,” he said.

Steph and Gian received perfect scores for their winning kids’ bedrooms. Picture: Channel 9

They’ve come a long way since their first ever room reveal, when they placed last for a kids’ bedroom ‘challenge room’. Picture: Channel 9

The consistency, architectural detailing, the lighting and colour palette impressed Marty.

 “They have nailed this room and I’m just so pleased because I’ve always been a fan of Steph and Gian and I jumped off their train last time I was in their house and I’ll tell you what, I’m back on,” he said.

The judges couldn’t fault anything. Picture: Channel 9

Steph and Gian’s second room’s intricate wall decal had Darren state: “Man, I love this room so much.”

How they’ve just gone to the absolute nth degree for every little thing in the styling, I mean styling is what makes the shoot pop and this will just pop out of the screen,” Marty said.

House 5: Eliza and Liberty’s kids’ bedrooms reveal

Darren thought one of the loveliest things in the sisters’ first room was the metallic finish wardrobe and its walnut handles, which Marty echoed.

The judges said the rooms would work for any buyer. Picture: Channel 9

“They’ve really created something that feels elevated and sophisticated,” Darren said.

Sophisticated and well finished. Picture: Channel 9

The second bedroom was met with positivity, with Marty saying it felt like an “anchored, cosy kid’s bedroom.”

Week 8: Master ensuite bathroom

Master ensuite bathroom week saw arch rivals Kristy and Brett, and Eliza and Liberty share a first place spot, with the sisters scoring first for a second straight week.

Kyle and Leslie22.53$25,969
Leah and Ash23.52$26,014
Kristy and Brett28~1$31,608
Steph and Gian214$31,753
Eliza and Liberty28~1$29,662

Read the episode recap from master ensuite bathroom week.

Block Busted: What a Block-style bathroom really costs

Here’s a look at the room reveals and what the judges had to say:

House 1: Kyle and Leslie’s master ensuite bathroom reveal

Functionality issues marred the judges’ views of Kyle and Leslie’s design once again this week, with the shower deemed pokey and tight.

“It’s frustrating because it feels and looks luxurious, but it doesn’t work,” Shaynna said.

The curves continue throughout House 1. Picture: Channel 9

“I think they’re really trying, I think it’s just that spatial planning is their weakness,” Darren added.

The judges worried the double shower too cramped and said the positioning of the shower grate was wrong. Picture: Channel 9

However, Marty said: “What I do like about it though, is that a buyer will walk in and feel that it’s extremely luxe.”

House 2: Leah and Ash’s master ensuite bathroom reveal

The judging trio loved the oversized shower, the natural light, the proportions, the bench space and the wall sconces but when it came to the styling, Shaynna didn’t mince her words.

Shaynna thought Leah’s styling was juvenile. Picture: Channel 9

The tiles are elegant, the vanity is elegant, the application on the mirrors is elegant, those lights that match the chandelier in the dining room…but I just find the styling is so childlike, that it takes it down a notch,” she said.

The position of the shower grate was again criticised in House 2. Picture: Channel 9

“I just feel like this needs to be more elegant.”

House 3: Kristy and Brett’s winning master ensuite bathroom reveal

Scoring their first win of the series, the judges could find little fault with Kristy and Brett’s design, with the only critique being that of their towel rail choices.

I think this is an absolute gem,” Shaynna said.

Kristy and Brett finally took out a win for their master bathroom. Picture: Channel 9

“The fact that this bathroom has the luxury of space, the luxury of light, the luxury of the tiles, the luxury of the colour, the finish and the luxury of the feel – that’s the package.”

The judges liked that the master ensuite matched the downstairs bathroom. Picture: Channel 9

Everything was in the perfect spot, Marty noted.

“This isn’t over styled, it’s just absolutely nailed,” he said.

House 4: Steph and Gian’s master ensuite bathroom reveal

Marty abruptly proclaimed he was off the “Steph and Gian train” this week after likening their ensuite to a “quarantine facility.”

Shaynna said Steph and Gian’s master ensuite “lacked soul”. Picture: Channel 9

 “It’s cold, it’s harsh,” he said. “The craftsmanship, the gaps between the panels. I’ve got a floor plan issues

“Why is the vanity not on this wall with shaving cabinets on the wall, in the wall and the windows be uninterrupted?

Marty hated Steph and Gian’s master ensuite, likening it to a quarantine facility. Picture: Channel 9

“We’re in a luxury bathroom. I just, I hate it.”

A lack of warmth and soul in the room was the result of being too clever architecturally, Shaynna said.

House 5: Eliza and Liberty’s winning master ensuite bathroom reveal

For the second week in a row, the sisters walked away with a first place spot with Marty declaring the space warmed one’s soul and they were “hot, hot contenders to take this thing out.”

Eliza and Liberty tied with their arch rivals Kristy and Brett for the win. Picture: Channel 9

“These girls have hit it out of the ballpark and I’ve definitely jumped on a new train, on a new platform .. toot, toot!” Marty said.

The only criticism was that the face level storage was too high. Picture: Channel 9

“Can I say this styling is classic, simple and it’s selling the story,” Shaynna said.

Darren agreed the space was a complete success, describing it as “absolutely tranquil and beautiful.”

Week 7: Kitchen and laundry

This week the Blockheads overhauled the heart of the home – the kitchen – as well as a butler’s pantry, and the laundry.

Kyle and Leslie253$33,740
Leah and Ash23.54$22,083
Kristy and Brett28.52$29,878
Steph and Gian225$25,304
Eliza and Liberty29 + 11$23,669

Here’s a look at the room reveals and what the judges had to say:

House 1: Kyle and Leslie’s kitchen and laundry reveal

Layout wise, all three judges thought the kitchen design was well thought out but were disappointed with the positioning and size of the butler’s pantry.

“Personally, as a designer who does design kitchens, I wouldn’t have one of this size in this location in this house,” Darren said.

Kyle and Leslie have used curves throughout their home. Picture: Channel 9

The butler’s pantry. Picture: Channel 9

“To me it’s not even a sense of real estate, they have given over this indoor outdoor access which could have solved this,” Shayna said in relation to not having a door into the backyard from the pantry.

The judges said the laundry was functional with plenty of storage. Picture: Channel 9

Neale said the spaces were “far from disaster”, and there was “a lot to like.”

House 2: Leah and Ash’s kitchen and laundry reveal

“Besotted” was Darren’s word of praise when first summing up his thoughts on Leah and Ash’s efforts this week.

Leah and Ash’d bold design choices continued with the kitchen. Picture: Channel 9

“Everything in here is bold and courageous,” he said before expressing his concern about the size of the island bench.

Is this enough island bench for a multi, multi million dollar home?”

The judges had concerns over the smaller size of the island bench and the placement of the sink. Picture: Channel 9

The larger sized butler’s pantry – in comparison to the small kitchen –  and the laundry only being accessed via the bathroom, were also of concern to the judges.

Leah and Ash’s laundry. Picture: Channel 9

“I think it’s a disadvantage to this house to have a laundry that is so snug where you have to walk through that bathroom,” Neale said.

House 3: Kristy and Brett’s kitchen and laundry reveal

The burgundy bench top and “refreshing” sleek, all white kitchen were praised by the judges but big mistakes were noted.

The judges loved the burgundy stone bench but said the dining chairs were too large. Picture: Channel 9

The butler’s pantry. Picture: Channel 9

“I’m afraid to me, everything else is fighting the scale of those dining chairs,” Neale said.

The laundry could have done with more bench space. Picture: Channel 9

A lack of bench space in the laundry left Darren unimpressed with the design.

House 4: Steph and Gian’s kitchen and laundry reveal

Aesthetically the kitchen was “exquisite,” Neale proclaimed, but all three judges agreed there were major functionality issues.

The judges said the kitchen was beautiful but dysfunctional. Picture: Channel 9

Positioning the cooktop within the island bench where people sit was seen as a bad decision, in addition to placing most of the cabinetry for plates, pots and pans in the butler’s pantry.

The judges said having the cook top on the Island bench was a mistake. Picture: Channel 9

“So the idea of a butler’s pantry is to hide the mess,” Shaynna said.

“This (the kitchen) is going to be full of mess because you want to make sure that you have everything out ready to go,” Shaynna said.

Steph and Gian’s laundry. Picture: Channel 9

Neale summed up the space as “beautifully dysfunctional.”

House 5: Eliza and Liberty’s winning kitchen and laundry reveal

Functionality in spades were among the accolades for the sister’s winning efforts this week, who finally scored a first place ranking after a tough week.

The girl’s winning kitchen. Picture: Channel 9

The judges liked the bold orange oven and range hood. Picture: Channel 9

“Have you played with AI generated by text?” Darren asked his fellow judges.

“So as you write, it creates things. It’s a little bit like house five’s kitchen, because it’s been listening to us. What do we want from every single one of those kitchens?

“And then it’s built this, in response.”

The judges were impressed by the storage in both the kitchen and the laundry. Picture: Channel 9

The butler’s pantry was a hit with Neale who said it was what it should be – a “pit stop” to put things out of sight.

“I really like the flow of these spaces, I really do,” he said.

The winning laundry. Picture: Channel 9

“I love the way that the kitchen flows into the butler’s, flows into the laundry. It kind of feels logical.”

Week 6: Main bedroom and walk-in robe

Bedroom and walk-in robe week marked six weeks of ‘hard yakka’ for The Blockheads, and the first time in the series they have ventured upstairs for a room overhaul.

Kyle and Leslie215$32,793
Leah and Ash23.53$32,371
Kristy and Brett27.52$42,825
Steph and Gian291$44,064
Eliza and Liberty234$23,952

Here’s a look at the room reveals and what the judges had to say:

House 1: Kyle and Leslie’s main bedroom and walk-in robe reveal

The Perth couple were warned by Marty to consider what is “liveable not Instagrammable” after failing to capitalise on creating a more enticing seating area in front of the window.

Kyle and Leslie took space from another room to make the main bedroom larger, but the judges weren’t sold on the decision. Picture: Channel 9

The judges loved the texture on the bed head but had concerns about the rough texture. Picture: Channel 9

However, they all liked the walk-in robe’s storage but felt it was a tight space for a couple to both use at the same time.

The walk-in-robe was a bit tight. Picture: Channel 9

House 2: Leah and Ash’s main bedroom and walk-in robe reveal

A scalloped ceiling drew much praise from the judging trio, with Darren likening it to a work of art.

The curved ceiling was a hit with the judges, but they weren’t a fan of the styling. Picture: Channel 9

However, the mix of furniture, the rug and bed cover didn’t work for Darren who said it was like they were in an “argument with itself.”

Leah and Ash were criticised for their lack of furniture. Picture: Channel 9

The lengthy bench seat near the window was a missed opportunity for a lounge area in a room of its size, Marty said, with all judges agreeing more furniture was needed.

The judges warned the burgundy walk-in robe will be polarising to buyers. Picture: Channel 9

House 3: Kristy and Brett’s main bedroom and walk-in robe reveal

Comparing the airy and light space’s warm vibe to a hug, Marty liked the perfect floor plan.

“I really, really like this room,” he said.

The judges liked the warmth of the room, but said the bedside tables were too small. Picture: Channel 9

The skylights were a hit, but the lighting plan was described as a bit of a mess. Picture: Channel 9

The Velux light in the walk-in robe was also praised by Darren who said: “This adds so much to the space. You get such relief that you can connect to the sky here.”

The walk-in robe was spacious and well-received by the judges. Picture: Channel 9

House 4: Steph and Gian’s winning main bedroom and walk-in robe reveal

“Glorious”, “Whoa” and “luxury, luxury, luxury” were just some of the accolades used by the judges upon first sight of Steph’s and Gian’s walk-in robe.

Steph and Gian delivered the biggest main bedroom and walk-in robe in Block history. Picture: Channel 9

“Some people don’t have kitchens island benches as big as this,” Shaynna said of the marble benchtop.

The judges loved the layout, and praised the decision to create a second living space. Picture: Channel 9

 “She’s going to have an incredible career because what we’re seeing here is from really, really well established architects and designers,” Shaynna later added.

Marty said the room wouldn’t look out of place in a $20m home. Picture: Channel 9

“I’m excited for the buyer who gets to come into this house and spend somewhere between $2m and $3m I imagine, and have a finish and a quality and a style that could be in a $10m to $20m home,” Marty said.

House 5: Eliza and Liberty’s bedroom and walk-in robe reveal

The sisters needed to think outside the box when it came to their neutral white, rust and blue colour palettes, Darren said.

“Because that’s literally in every single room that we’ve seen thus far,” he said.

An unfinished paint job summed up a difficult week for the girls, who were working on very little sleep. Picture: Channel 9

However, Marty said they nailed the floor plan.

“Buyers will look at this floor plan and I don’t think they’re going to be able to fault it,” he said.

Practical, simple and spacious. Picture: Channel 9

“That for me is the key to these guys. What they do with linen and rugs and so forth, they may not win a room, but it doesn’t mean that they cannot win The Block.”

Darren said the girls should think outside the box a bit more with their colour choices. Picture: Channel 9

Week 5: Living and dining room

This week’s room reveals saw one judge award the first perfect score of the series, and the return of veteran judge, Neale Whitaker.

It was a week of sleep deprivation, risk taking and changing the configurations of rooms for The Blockheads, as they tackled some of the biggest spaces of their homes to overhaul.

Kyle and Leslie205$31,560
Leah and Ash291$38,209
Kristy and Brett25.5~3$23,325
Steph and Gian25.5~3$31,739
Eliza and Liberty272$37,706

Here’s a look at the room reveals and what the judges had to say:

House 1: Kyle and Leslie’s living and dining reveal

A beautifully styled disaster was how Neale summed up Kyle and Leslie’s efforts this week, with all three judges dismayed by how tight the space was.

Kyle and Leslie were slammed for having such a tight living room for a four bedroom house. Picture: Channel 9

“I guess the first thing that struck me when I walked in here was is this really the only living space for a house of this size because my immediate thought is that it feels quite constricted,” Neale said.

It’s tight, but they managed to fit the Christian Cole table into their living space. Picture: Channel 9

The major planning error saw Kyle and Leslie place last for their living and dining room. Picture: Channel 9

Shaynna described the room as the “titanic”, and said it could lose them the auction.

House 2: Leah and Ash winning living and dining reveal

Hot and phenomenal were the words used to describe Leah and Ash’s efforts, which saw them take out first place for the second week running.

Polarising, but the judges believe there is a market for Leah and Ash’s colourful and risk taking style. Picture: Channel 9

“Polarising? Absolutely. But there is a 100% market for this,” Shaynna said.

Leah and Ash won for a second week in a row. Picture: Channel 9

“People with money gravitate to this style. Yes, it’s going to polarise but man, people are going to wave the cash at this don’t you worry about that.”

House 3: Kristy and Brett’s living and dining reveal

Darren liked that the design was the first he had seen so far which functioned properly to sit and converse with friends.

The judges loved the plaster feature wall. Picture: Channel 9

The basic lighting layout, with lighting over the seating only, disappointed Shaynna.

Kristy and Brett were praised for presenting a functional floor plan and good sized room. Picture: Channel 9

“But this is a really great floorplan, this is a really great space,” Darren said.

 House 4: Steph and Gian’s living and dining reveal

Steph and Gian’s decision to change the floorplan was not necessarily a case where the layout benefited, Darren said.

The judges like the feeling of the room, but thought Steph over-styled. Picture: Channel 9

“I get it if you make a change that is clearly going to improve the flow and benefit somehow,” Neale said. “But I’m thinking why would you necessarily do this?”

A layout change saw the dining room elevated over the living room with a nib wall and fireplace between the two spaces.

Steph and Gian spent $31,739 on their living and dining room. Picture: Channel 9

They also all agreed the room was over styled.

House 5: Eliza and Liberty’s living and dining reveal

The sisters’ art work and dining chair selections were hits with Neale and Darren.

“I have to say these are more the proportions that I was expecting to see today,” Neale said. “There’s that sense of grandeur I was expecting.

Unlike Kyle and Leslie’s dining room, the table fit well in the space. Picture: Channel 9

“This is perfect. I mean, this is a perfect but timeless dining space.”

All three judges were impressed with the size and layout. Picture: Channel 9

Shaynna said it was a space that was hard to beat, while Darren said it was one of the pair’s most sophisticated design to date.

The girls delivered the largest living and dining space of the week. Picture: Channel 9

Week 4: Downstairs bathroom

With all the bathroom creations deemed very good but not perfect, the judging trio faced a conundrum this week.

With one bathroom not having the right layout, to another featuring ‘salad’ on the wall, and another omitting underfloor heating, scoring was hard but close.

After playing a gnome they won from an earlier challenge, Leah and Ash stole the win from their friends Kristy and Brett.

Kyle and Leslie263$18,352
Leah and Ash27 + 11$25,389
Kristy and Brett27.52$33,718
Steph and Gian25~4$24,854
Eliza and Liberty25~4$37,409

Here’s a look at the room reveals and what the judges had to say:

House 1: Kyle and Leslie’s downstairs bathroom reveal

Tasked with renovating the smallest room in The Block’s history, Kyle and Leslie decided to leave a shower out as they felt their home did not need four bathrooms.

Kyle and Leslie spent $18,352 on the smallest room in Block history. Picture: Channel 9

The room’s colour palette, texture and the duo’s understanding of luxury drew high praise from Shaynna.

“I’m loving the smart toilet, and the fact they’ve already got a big bedroom attached to the house with a massive bathroom, this just only needs to be a powder room,” she said.

Shaynna loved the choice of vanity. Picture: Channel 9

Marty said a buyer would immediately know they were in a high-end property.

“Every angle of this room that you look at, you can tell that it’s been considered,” he said.

“The curves. The fact that that sill is a piece of marble, the tone, the textures, there’s actually a lot happening in such a small space, but it’s all working in harmony.

“I just, I love it.”

Darren loved the art choices in the powder room. Picture: Channel 9

Kylie and Leslie had a knack for creating a feeling in every single room, which will cause the emotional buyer to spend the most amount of money, Marty said.

“These guys are understanding that, and I think that that understanding carried through to the more principal rooms, is where I’m really excited because this is in my opinion, at a totally different level,” he said.

House 2: Leah and Ash’s winning downstairs bathroom reveal

After enduring an emotional and harsh couple of weeks of judges’ feedback, the tides turned for Leah and Ash who walked away with their first win by half a point.

Darren was impressed with the team’s ability to not leave any detail to chance, and making it look like they had planned well ahead, despite the room being completed in one week.

Leah and Ash used a gnome to take out the win for their downstairs bathroom. Picture: Channel 9

Following his criticisms last week, Marty felt relieved Leah and Ash had taken the feedback on board.

“This is one of those bathrooms where you feel that, if this was done outside of The Block, is almost a 10 week project in itself,” Marty said.

“I mean from all the renovations I have done, I know how hard it is to pull a room like this together.”

Leah and Ash’s love of marble has Shaynna worried about their budget. Picture: Channel 9

Shaynna was loving the Art Deco theme, and was interested to see how it would be continued in the rooms to come.

However, she did express concern about the pair’s budget.

“These guys love luxe quality expensive. So I want them to start with their cost effectiveness because I can already tell their budgets is not that great,” she said.

Leah and Ash spent $25,389 on their downstairs bathroom: Picture: Channel 9

The successful use of two doorways in a bathroom of its size, was commended by Darren as a huge achievement.

House 3: Kristy and Brett’s downstairs bathroom reveal

Failing to incorporate underfloor heating was among the only criticism of this space, with Marty exclaiming the bathroom could really put Kristy and Brett in a league of their own.

“This is a proper five bedroom, and from a marketing perspective they can actually say five bedrooms because the dimensions are there,” he said.

“And this as a powder wouldn’t work but this as a bathroom – wowee, this is a different league.”

The judges loved the room but criticised the lack of under floor heating. Picture: Channel 9

Shaynna praised the use of length and linear lines, the detail and large Terrazzo tiles.

“I just want to say bravo for just going for it,” she said.

The placement of the entry door was a win for Darren.

“Because when you walk into this room, you will always see the vanity, the window, or this and never a toilet,” he said.

Kristy and Brett placed second after Leah and Ash used their gnome to steal the win. Picture: Channel 9

While the feature lighting and mirror were a win in Marty’s book, the couple’s fundamental error was not including underfloor heating in the design.

“So, this in the middle of a Melbourne winter will feel very, very cold and how we’re feeling now, I think it’d be totally different to the middle of winter for a guests walking in here without floor heating,” he said.

House 4: Steph and Gian’s downstairs bathroom reveal

“That is off the charts,” Shaynna exclaimed when she laid eyes on the stone vanity, which was the centre piece of the room.

Marty was also impressed, noting how Steph and Gian seem to create pieces of furniture that take centre stage.

The stone vanity was expensive, but well worth it. Picture: Channel 9

Meanwhile, Darren credited their sensible planning because the stone was hugely expensive, and an investment in creating a wow factor.

But they’ve been really moderate about how they spend money elsewhere in the room and I think that’s really, really clever,” he said.

The placement of the toilet raised eyebrows. Picture: Channel 9

Unfortunately, Darren spotted an error in the layout – the positioning of the toilet.

“They’re putting so much effort into things like that light, the vases, this stone, this beautiful vanity,” he said.

“All of that impact just holds for me because I walk in and all I see is a dunny.”

Steph and Gian spent $24,854 on their downstairs bathroom. Picture: Channel 9

Marty had praise for the pair’s consistency.

“Every room that Steph and Gian do, it has that consistent feel so far,” he said.

“Having the beams again carried through, it is their thing and I truly believe the majority of the buyers won’t have problem with this room,” he said.

House 5: Eliza and Liberty’s downstairs bathroom reveal

A green moss wall was all the judges could talk about upon entering Eliza and Liberty’s bathroom.

Marty said he had literally seen thousands of properties for sale and had never once seen anything like it.

Shaynna and Marty absolutely hated the moss wall. Picture: Channel 9

“I just don’t understand it,” he said. “I can’t get my head around it – I really can’t. I mean what is it?

“I feel like taking little bit off and spreading it on my soup.”

Darren was somewhat on the fence about the moss wall, but said the square shape let it down. Picture: Channel 9

Other functional issues such as the vanity height, the position of the shaving cabinet and lighting concerned Shaynna.

“It’s not just the moss,” she said.

“I’m actually feeling quite a lot of things wrong with the functionality of this space.”

The sisters were the only contestants to include a bath. Picture: Channel 9

Darren said the moss had grown on him, describing it as great as acoustically, it filtered the air and biophilia was also a major trend.

“It is something that they did as a bold decision to add some life and some sustainability and a talking point and something that’s a memorable takeaway from this room,” he said.

“Now, would I apply it in that shape? No.”

Eliza and Liberty spent $37,409 on their downstairs bathroom. Channel 9

However, the rest of the bathroom design did earn praise.

“It is a traditional modern bathroom,” Shaynna said.

“It’s a really good layout. The way the door opens, you’ve got the toilet hiding behind the door, you’ve got a huge shower, all this space, a huge bath – the only bath we’ve seen today.”

Week 3: Work from home space

Harsh storms wreaked havoc on several of the Blockhead’s working from home transformations this week, with the judges amazed rooms were completed given the severity of damage.

While some of the couples remained unscathed due to forward planning, others such as Leah and Ash quickly found out that the attitude that everything would be alright, was not enough to prevent a major roof collapse.

Heavy rain caused damage to some of the rooms. Picture: Channel 9

Thankfully, Scott Cam comes to the rescue and gathers a team of workers to fix their room, and informs the other impacted contestants he will fix any water damage in the weeks ahead.

Kyle and Leslie262$13,917
Leah and Ash22.5~4$37,728
Kristy and Brett243$29,919
Steph and Gian26.51$22,380
Eliza and Liberty22.5~4$27,051

Here’s a look at the working from home room reveals and what the judges had to say:

House 1: Kyle and Leslie’s work from home room reveal

The consistency of Kyle and Leslie’s work was praised by Shaynna, who described their room as having a beautiful aesthetic well suited to the area.

“They really get it,” Marty said.

The judges praised Kyle and Leslie’s consistent style throughout the house so far. Picture: Channel 9

“I mean, you can just see how their marketing will come together and from behind the screen people will just be swiping wanting more and more because of how consistent they are.”

Kyle and Leslie spent $13,917, the least of all the Block contestants. Picture: Channel 9

Darren loved the versatility of the room which could be a work from home space, or another bedroom, and said the duo were in it for the long haul.

Kyle and Leslie in their work from home space. Picture: Channel 9

“It’s how do you get to the finish line, and finish the whole house to the level that you started and Kylie and Leslie have a really good chance of doing that, because they’re playing the long game.”

The judges said the versatility of Kyle and Leslie’s design shows they are playing the long game. Picture: Channel 9

House 2: Leah and Ash’s work from home room reveal

All judges agreed Leah and Ash’s room should have been a bedroom with the missed opportunity now meaning their house was a three bedroom residence, instead of a four bedroom one.

Leah and Ash’s work from home space suffered major flooding. Picture: Channel 9

Marty was concerned that with the home being part of a family suburb, there was now no ground floor bedroom, which sat them in a “lane that is very dangerous.”

“I’m telling you now, you have to have four bedrooms in this suburb,” he said.

The judges said not presenting the room as a bedroom was a missed opportunity. Picture: Channel 9

“You need a bedroom on the ground level to serve as a guest and it’s opposite the perfect bathroom. So great to have the effort, great to have the personality but if you’re not researching the market before you do the work, it’s quite a big risk to take.”

Shaynna loved the colour palette. Picture: Channel 9

However, the feedback was not all negative with Shaynna loving the colour palette and its link to the other rooms completed so far.

House 3: Kristy and Brett’s work from home room reveal

Exactly what this room should have been caused a lot of debate from the judges, with Shaynna stating the team had taken the ‘work from home’ brief too literal.

“This feels like we’re at a commercial office. Is this the best use of space?” she said.

Kristy and Brett’s work from home space. Picture: Channel 9

With the room looking out to the outdoor deck and pool area, Marty said Kristy and Brett had failed to make the most of the room.

“How does the buyer engage with people on the deck, in the swimming pool, in the outdoor areas from this type of setup?” he said.

“They’ve got the space – I see a TV here, I see a couch, I see access out onto a deck, onto a swimming pool.

The judges thought the pair took the work from home brief too literally. Picture: Channel 9

“This is really valuable real estate within the house’s floor plan, and for me they’ve just missed the whole mark.”

He also expressed concern about the differing looks of all the rooms the couple had completed to date.

If you think the last two weeks, we’ve got Moroccan, we’ve got New York, and then we’ve got this like soft sophistication. If three photos were taken, this is a bag of skittles,” he said.

The couple have faced criticism for a lack of cohesion between rooms. Picture: Channel 9

House 4: Steph and Gian’s winning work from home room reveal

For the second week in a row, Steph and Gian came out on top with their well-executed and sophisticated space a true hit with the judging trio.

“It feels high end,” Marty said.

Steph and Gian took home the win for a second straight week. Picture: Channel 9

“The buyers in this marketplace will absolutely walk in and really appreciate, I mean, you know, you sit down and open this up [the sliding doors to watch the TV] sit back relax, like it is just a really chilled out space.

“I just I love everything about it.”

A custom-built sliding cavity reveals a television or shelving units. Picture: Channel 9

The addition of timber roof beams yet again had Darren perplexed.

 “I wasn’t sure about the beams in the bedroom and I was converted by taking a different point of view last week.

“Now, I’ve had to pivot back, I’m just not sold. No, I’m not sold.

Shaynna and Marty loved the usage of ceiling beams, Darren isn’t sold on them. Picture: Channel 9

“They’re very intrusive. It feels like it brings the ceiling lower. The fact that I can almost touch that but the ceilings are close to two eight (height), its feeling lower than needs to. This feels really heavy to me.”

However, he had high praise for the functional workspace the duo created, as well as the artwork and choice of flooring.

Winners are grinners. Picture: Channel 9

Marty concluded by saying: “The craftsmanship in here is superb. Their vision is clear, they’re just absolutely on top of their game and it’s so commendable.”

House 5: Eliza and Liberty’s work from home room reveal

After receiving scathing comments last week their self-contained studio, the judges wanted the sisters to know their efforts this week were a massive improvement.

“The fact that they pushed through shows their measure. These girls have got spunk,” Shaynna said.

Despite placing equal-last, the judges said the girls’ room was an improvement from last week. Picture: Channel 9

Marty was impressed the pair took on his feedback and liked the flexibility of the room.

“I love the fact that they didn’t set this up as a work from home space because like we’ve seen last week, having the two desks in the studio, that ticks that box,” he said.

The judges liked the flexibility of the room. Picture: Channel 9

“Having the bedrooms upstairs, particularly the master, I think this as a guest room from the floor plan is a massive, massive bonus from them.

“However, it could so easily be the rumpus room. It’s got great flexibility, and I feel like when people walk into this room, it’s not going to turn anyone off and they can market a five bedroom house.”

Shaynna liked the colour palette. Picture: Channel 9

The colour palette was a hit with Shaynna, with her stating while last week’s efforts were like a bad version of the 90s, this room showcased a good version of the decade.

Sisters Eliza and Liberty in their work from home space. Picture: Channel 9

Week 2: Self contained studio reveals

It was a rollercoaster week of feedback for the Blockheads as they unveiled their self-contained studios, with the couples also battling for $50,000 worth of prizes.

All-nighters, damaging water leaks and a fresh start with new builders for Steph and Gian were among the trials and triumphs of the week, which saw the creations of the spaces the teams will live in as the build continues.

Kyle and Leslie232$27,051
Leah and Ash21~4$21,094
Kristy and Brett21~4$30,895
Steph and Gian24.51$23,822
Eliza and Liberty21.53$21,518

Here’s a look at the room reveals and what the judges had to say:

House 1: Kyle and Leslie’s self contained studio

Tasked with the biggest studio space to overhaul of all The Blockheads, the room sparked a serious ‘wow’ factor from all three judges when they first walked in.

“This is bigger than my first apartment by 50%,” Darren said.

House 1 delivered the largest studio, but without a kitchenette the judges said it’s not truly self contained. Picture: Channel 9

Shaynna described the room as sexy, and loved the mismatched lighting and the use of ledges for bedside tables.

However, the trio soon questioned whether the best use of the space was considered, with Marty saying it was a missed opportunity to be a fully self-contained area, with a kitchenette, living space and a bedroom.

A second room was set up as a pilates studio. Picture: Channel 9

Shaynna said the functionality was not right, while Darren said the space was not doing enough “heavy lifting for the gift that comes with this floorplan to add value to this home”.

“If my wife and I were renovating this space, I would not have set up a Pilates studio because the market segmented to Pilates is probably quite small,” Marty said.

The judges praised the styling but questioned the use of space. Picture: Channel 9

“Now having the square meterage, what we would have done is this would be a lounge room with hardwood floors to service the pool area so that people can go from the pool into the bathroom, and not damage this carpet.

“I would not have set this room up like this.”

House 2: Leah and Ash’s self contained studio

Determined to show the judges they had taken on board last week’s feedback, Leah and Ash’s studio drew immediate praise for their choice of flooring, sense of space and artwork selection.

They were also happy to see a kitchenette, but were confused as to why the chairs were positioned facing an empty wall.

Darren said the Leah and Ash’s styling gave him “display home vibes.” Picture: Channel 9

The addition of a ‘pull down’ bed was the wrong choice, and a sofa bed would have made for a complete lounge room, Darren said.

Marty said the use of the pull down bed was unlikely to be used often enough to warrant the amount of space it occupied.

“I just think that the buyer will be very confused and wish that this had been a more ‘loungey’ sic entertainment space, have a couple of beers at the bar.

The judges said the Murphy pull down bed was the “wrong choice” and should have been a sofa bed. Picture: Channel 9

“This isn’t hitting the mark from a buyer’s perspective.”

Meanwhile, Darren believed the amenity of the kitchen and dining area was good but overall there was not enough emotion.

“It just that it doesn’t feel like it’s selling a dream to me and these should be somebody’s dream homes,” he said.

House 2 was praised for including a kitchenette. Picture: Channel 9

House 3: Kristy and Brett’s self contained studio

The colour palette, Velux skylights and a New York City loft like feel were among the judge’s praises.

However, Darren said the area was basically a bedroom with some added amenities, and the lack of a microwave meant it was not a fully-contained space.

All three judges had concerns about the layout and some of the styling, such as a lack of microwave and rug. Picture: Channel 9

Shaynna said the room had zero connection to last week’s bathroom.

“Because the feeling when we went in there was Moroccan. It had that archway, it had those tiles but this is New York loft – zero connection to what’s downstairs.”

The second storey studio with Velux skylights was described as a New York City loft. Picture: Channel 9

She also could not understand why the bed was against the particular wall they chose.

“This is your apartment. This is where you stay. I really don’t want to look at a sink. I feel like the layout isn’t making the most of this feel,” she said.

Shaynna said the studio had no connection to the Moroccan styled bathroom underneath. Picture: Channel 9

The lack of a couch and television was also noted.

House 4: Steph and Gian’s winning self contained studio

From fifth place last week, to first place this week, Steph and Gian’s studio was hit with the judges.

The fire place was well received but the use of timber beams on the ceiling again drew a mixed response.

“They’re not structural I don’t think,” Darren said.

Unlike the studio bathroom, the judges praised the ceiling beams in the guest studio. Picture: Channel 9

“I don’t see any reason why they couldn’t be above the ceiling line so I think they’re purely an architectural design feature.

“I don’t know that it works.”

He later changed his mind admitting he finally liked them.

House 4 is the only Block property to have the studio attached to the main house. Picture: Channel 9

Marty said the studio worked really well as a guest bedroom.

“Somebody’s staying in this house for a night or two would love to be in here,” he said.

Shaynna said for the smaller space the team had, they did well.

“It’s not a self-contained area, but I think it’s a perfect beautiful wing,” she said.

Steph and Gian turned their troubles around, winning in week 2 for their guest studio. Picture: Channel 9

She also praised Steph’s work as a young architect.

“And I feel like she has put the right level of architect, the right level of contestant and the right level of warmth and understanding the market, and that’s pretty hard to tick all those boxes and I love it.”

House 5: Eliza and Liberty’s self contained studio

The pool appropriate flooring, the office or study space, aspects to the garden and ceiling height drew instant approval.

However, the sisters’ styling drew criticism, with the wallpaper map of Melbourne deemed juvenile.

The styling and use of wallpaper was described as “juvenile”. Picture: Channel 9

Shaynna likened parts of the kitchenette to a cheap motel.

“Everything for me does not feel luxurious enough to command the pricing that these properties will be at,” Marty said.

Shaynna said the exposed microwave and cabinetry looked like a “cheap motel”. Picture: Channel 9

He later exclaimed: “I think the styling is so bad that had it been empty, I would have been happier.”

Shaynna said this week was a warning for the siblings.

“I feel this is a very big week for them to learn a lot of lessons and they better listen because if they carry a lot of this stuff through the main house, my scores will get more brutal because you’re not listening,” she said.

The judges were impressed the studio space was fully self contained, with a sink, kitchen and microwave. Picture: Channel 9

Marty warned that if this style was taken into the main house, the team would have a serious problem.

Week 1: Studio bathroom reveals

Faced with one of the most difficult rooms to renovate – the studio ensuite – the five teams had their work cut out for them in what became a battle of the curve, the arrival of a new judge and building dramas for one couple.

Unbeknownst to one another, both Kyle and Leslie in House No. 1, and Leah and Ash in House 2 were incorporating a secret weapon in the design of their ensuite – a curved ceiling.

Meanwhile, in House 5, Liberty and Eliza choose to play it safe, while Brett and Kristy in House 3 plan to incorporate a feature arch, and in House No 4  Gian and Steph chose to feature recycled timber beams amid the realisation they need a new builder.

New judge WhiteFox Real Estate founder Marty Fox makes his Block debut and he doesn’t hold back when it comes to critiquing The Blockheads’ room reveals.

Kyle and Leslie251$30,366
Leah and Ash24 ½2$19,691
Kristy and Brett214$17,534
Steph and Gian20 ½5$22,362
Eliza and Liberty233$26,262

Here’s a look at the room reveals and what the judges had to say:

House 1: Kyle and Leslie’s winning guest bathroom

Elegant, high quality and impressive were among the praise judges Darren Palmer, Shaynna Blaze and Marty had for this winning ensuite, which ended up with not one curve, but two in the ceiling.

“That plaster work alone in the real world would have taken forever and cost a fortune,” Darren said.

All the judges loved the unique double-curved ceiling. Picture: Channel 9

“From a marketing perspective, this will just shoot incredibly well and that’s what will resonate with the buyers, the roof line, the colour palette, the depth of the room, the tones will just really pop,” Marty said, when explaining how it would resonate and be a memorable room for buyers.

The judges said the room had a lovely, warm feeling about it. Picture: Channel 9

“The functionality, the wow factor and it’s unique. The ceiling makes it unique. You don’t get that in week one, week one!” Shaynna said.

Despite the high praise, the judges were not impressed with the placement of the floor drain, or the lack of underfloor heating.

There was some negative feedback on the placement of the floor drain and a lack of underfloor heating. Picture: Channel 9

Earning the highest scoring bathroom of the reveal, Leslie and Kyle were awarded a getaway at Scott Cam’s house in Gisborne.

House 2: Leah and Ash’s guest bathroom

Likened to a nightclub by Marty because of its dark green tones, Leah and Ash’s use of a curve was another hit with the judges.

“The strip LED lighting, polished curve plaster ceiling, walnut timber, green marble. There’s just, there’s a lot going on,” Marty said.

The judges were a fan of the curves, but said the white toilet stood out for the wrong reasons. Picture: Channel 9

“I love the details in here. That polished Venetian plaster in that colour offset with this colour green, and that green marble, looks hot. I love it,” Darren enthused.

The judges thought the dark green look made the bathroom feel like a nightclub. Picture: Channel 9

Shaynna said while she absolutely loved it, she hoped it wouldn’t polarise buyers.

“I keep thinking I hope you know your market,” she said.

“What I think from a marketing perspective, is that this will jump out of the screen, and it will really stand out. It’s just about whether or not they continue this type of theme into the main residence,” Marty said.

Shaynna thought the styling was ‘half baked’. Picture: Channel 9

Underfloor heating was a win, but Marty was disappointed the lights in the room were not dimmable and that the window was frosted with no garden views.

House 3: Kristy and Brett’s guest bathroom

A lack of an emotional connection, bland and mixed styles were among the judges’ feedback for Kristy’ and Brett’s Moroccan themed bathroom.

The bathroom was described as bland, and the industrial style shower screen criticised as out of place. Picture: Channel 9

The industrial “chunky” shower screen spoiled the day spa feel, Shaynna said.

“To me they’re playing it safe and it’s not offensive,” Marty said.

The Moroccan themed bathroom received mixed feedback. Picture: Channel 9

“If a buyer was to walk into his bathroom right now, they will leave and not really think too much of it.

“So it’s not really doing them any favours, but it’s also not detracting the buyer from the overall property.”

Marty felt the bathroom had no emotional connection. Picture: Channel 9

House 4: Steph and Gian’s guest bathroom

Marred by a week where they began by demolishing the wrong bathroom, and encountered problem after problem, Steph and Gian also had to consider a new builder after continuous mistakes.

Darren said the bathroom had the best layout of the day, and planning wise it was a major success with its raked ceiling, cavity sliding door and skylight.

The layout was praised but Darren described the ceiling beams as a ‘mess’. Picture: Channel 9

However, the ceiling beams were a fail, and he described them as a “dog’s breakfast.”

“It’s a mess. It’s at all different levels” he said.

“I know it’s supposed to look rustic, but it doesn’t look rustic. It looks unfinished.”

Steph and Gian were criticised for having just one towel rack. Picture: Channel 9

Marty said too much effort was put into things that would deliver no financial return.

“A buyer will not walk in here and go, ‘I love these old rustic beams,’” he said

Darren said the bottom half of Steph and Gian’s bathroom was a success. Picture: Channel 9

 “A buyer has never said that to me in 14 years. So, it’s about what will engage the buyer to want to see more of the property.”

House 5: Eliza and Liberty’s guest bathroom

The sisters tiling choices were a hit with the judges, with the colour palette creating a soft contemporary feel, Shaynna said.

“Layout, functionality – you couldn’t get any better,” Marty said.

The judges were wowed by Eliza and Liberty’s studio bathroom tile choice. Picture: Channel 9

“There’s a lot of ticks here.”

However, the mixes of different metals throughout were jarring, with the judges also criticising the high placement of both the shower head and the toilet flushing panel.

The judges were impressed, but noted the use of mixed metals didn’t really work. Picture: Channel 9

Week 0: House Decider Challenge Kids’ Bedroom

Five couples from five states are vying for top honours in the 19th season of The Block, and were presented with a House Decider Challenge as their first rite of passage.

Presented with a Disney+ toy as inspiration to create a child’s bedroom, the teams each had 48 hours and $5000 to create a magical haven with the winner earning the right to choose which of the Charming Street homes they will renovate.

Judges Neale Whitaker, Darren Palmer and Shaynna Blaze are back for 2023, with Neale revealing he will be sharing his judging duties with WhiteFox Real Estate founder Marty Fox.

Leah and Ash271$4992
Eliza and Liberty18.52$4904
Kristy and Brett183$4972
Kyle and Leslie17.54$4925
Steph and Gian145$4972

After taking out the top spot, Leah and Ash were awarded the first pick of the houses, selecting House 2 at 16 Charming St.

Leah and Ash impressed the judges with their custom made bunk bed. Picture: Channel 9

The final result saw Kyle and Leslie move into House 1, Kristy and Brett in House 3, Steph and Gian in House 4, with Eliza and Liberty in House 5.

Read the episode recap from the house decider challenge room.

Here is a glimpse at the kids’ room reveals and what the judges had to say:

Leah and Ash’s Winning Kids’ Room

Presented with a National Geographic puzzle of the German Neuschwanstein Castle, the married couple impressed the judges with their whimsical take on the theme featuring a custom made bunk bed and a “sophisticated eye for colour.”

The judges said the hand made bunk beds in particular were very well done. Picture: Channel 9

The pair took out first place, with Darren praising the pair for not being afraid to take on a challenge.

“This is one of the best challenge rooms we’ve seen,” said Shaynna, who also described the room as “cute.”

The winning challenge room. Picture: Channel 9

Liberty and Eliza’s Kids’ Room

The sisters drew praise for their ‘Groot’ themed room, earning second place in the challenge.

Eliza and Liberty delivered a ‘Groot’ themed kids room. Picture: Channel 9

The use of timber, green and natural elements was applauded by Darren.

“The fact that we have a timber bed is spot on,” he said.

It was described as well executed but needed more layers. Picture: Channel 9

Scotty told the sisters the judges feedback was that their room was a: “well executed room with good thought behind it but once again needed more layers.”

Kyle and Leslie’s Kids’ Room

With Grogu from The Mandalorian series as their inspiration, the duo earned praise for incorporating a space star scape in the space but their use of a white bean bag and a scattering of Lego blocks drew criticism.

A good effort, but the judges said the styling was underbaked. Picture: Channel 9

“I think in their mind it worked but to me, for a children’s room, it’s just a little bit too measured,” Shaynna said.

Kyle and Leslie spent $4925 on their space-inspired kids bedroom. Picture: Channel 9

Kristy and Brett’s Kids’ Room

Soft blues and an icy theme was the inspiration for Kristy and Brett after being given Elsa, from Frozen as their character.

“We put together a real warm genuine children’s room,” Brett said.

Kristy and Brett were given Elsa from Disney’s Frozen as inspiration for their bedroom challenge. Picture: Channel 9

Host Scotty Cam said the judges’ mood lifted upon viewing this room.

“They got the brief – it feels like a kid’s room,” Neale said.

Lots of creativity, but the judges said they could have gone further. Picture: Channel 9

The judges praised the playfulness of the bed and the overall colour scheme but Darren said they could have incorporated a feature wall or a graphic.

Steph and Gian’s Kids’ Room

Childhood sweethearts, architect Steph and Giann were slammed by the judges for failing to meet their Buzz Lightyear from Toy Story theme.

“An architect should know how to meet a brief,” Neale said.

The judges thought they completely missed the brief of delivering a room for kids. Picture: Channel 9

Perplexed by their lack of listening to the brief, Shaynna said it was not even a kid’s room, and it lacked soul.

Despite placing last, Steph and Gian were thrilled to be given House 4 to renovate. Picture: Channel 9


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